The Best Web Sites for Free Movie Downloads part1
Free movie downloads are more common than you think on the Web.You will find a huge amount of recent blockbusters,classics, trailers, independent films, documentaries, and more.
Want even more free movie downloads? Try Free Movie Downloads Part 2: The Sequel.
Please note:If you come across a site that is asking you to pay money in order to view their films, you've either clicked on an ad, or that particular site has changed its policiesFree Movie Download Sites
Here are a few sites where you can download free movies; they are all free, all legal, and feature hundreds of high-quality movie clips and full-length movies.
General free movie downloads
- Free Movies and Documentaries in the Public Domain: These are all free movies that have fallen out of copyright - download away.
- OVGuide: a meta search guide to online movies.
- Movies: This enterprising website has taken the time to find and upload clips of hundreds of movies.
- Veoh Cult Classics: Night of the Living Dead, Metropolis, Eraserhead are all included here.
- Watch Free Movies Online. This site is full of classic movies, all free movie downloads.
- The Internet Movie Database. Movie reviews, information about upcoming movie premieres, movie clips, and more.
- AltaVista - Video Search. Search for movies and videos on the Web in virtually any format. Find free movie downloads easily and fast.
- Yahoo Search-Video.. Search for videos and movies on the Web. Also includes a link to submitting your own video to Yahoo to be indexed.
- Singingfish, an audio and video search engine. Search for movies, free movie downloads, short movie clips, and always check "Staff Favorites."
- Google Video Search. Find videos, movies, and TV programs online.
- Features trailers, shorts, independent films, and more. Most of the films on this site are free, but some do require subscription access.
- Turner Classic Movies: Lots of trailers, movie clips, and background information on all your favorite classic films. A very cool site.
- Trailers, movie clips, and more.
- All Movie Guide:Comprehensive database of film synopses and reviews as well as concise actor biographies.
- Apple Movie Trailers:An extensive collection of brank spankin' new movie trailers.
-, trailers, scripts, interviews, clips, and a lot more.
- YouTube: you can upload, watch, and search free videos here.
- YouTube, GoogleVideo, and IFilm: Nice mashup of all three services; looks like you'll need to know exactly what video you want, however.
- Google Video of the Day: Another day, another Google Video of the Day. Varies from funny to interesting to extremely weird.
- LearnOutLoud: free streaming lectures, audio, and video.
- VideoBomb: "Video Bomb filters up the hottest videos on the internet: people submit links to the 'Incoming!' page and you bomb the best ones. If a video gets a lot of bombs quickly, it makes it to the front page."
- Truveo:a video search engine that delivers pretty good results.
- Mefeedia: "Find thousands of videoblogs (video podcasts), and watch them on your computer, video iPod or PSP."
- The Open Video Project:a shared digital video collection
- Free Documentaries: "Welcome to the Internet’s top resource for finding free documentaries."
- SearchforVideo: SearchforVideo is a fantastic video search engine with over 6000 sources available for searching at the time of this writing. News, entertainment, viral videos - all searchable here.
Videos, Indie films, Documentaries
- Recommended Online Films:'s Independent Film Guide has a great list of free indie films on the Web.
- Documentaries Online: "Whenever I find interesting documentaries that can be watched online I will post the links here." And he does.
- Atom Films: Be sure to check out the Star Wars parodies.
- Quite a few movies including a rodent of some'll have to watch them to really get it.
- National Short films and animations. Some of this stuff is not kid-friendly.
- Subservient Chicken:This is more of a site where YOU are making the movie. Trust me. You'll enjoy it.
- Definitely funny, but also definitely (mostly) not safe for work.
- animations, games, and Mep the Squirrel. How could you not love OddTodd?
- Milk and Cookies: A wildly eclectic assortment of mostly animated funny shorts.
- A wide variety of user-submitted videos here, anything from funny to strange to crazy.
- The 30-Second Bunny Theatre: The bunnies do classic films in thirty seconds or less.
- Flurl: Good source for a variety of videos.
Movie scripts, Movie posters, Movie mistakes and More
- a wide variety of movie-related fonts and typography.
- your favorite movies with friends and find more movies that you like.
- PublicDomainTorrents:Classic movies and B-movies, all totally free.
- The Internet Movie Script Database: You can read entire scripts of movies here; what a great site.
- "Welcome to where we are working to become the Internet's comprehensive list of music and songs appearing in television and movies."
- MovieMistakes: Ever wonder if you've seen something that is supposed to be there in the movie? Check MovieMistakes to see if you're right.
- Be the first to see upcoming movie trailers on your block.
- JumpCut: Make your own movies using your own music, slides, or video clips.
- EyeSpot: "Use the Mixer to edit and combine your videos, photos and music online. Share mixes by email, blog, download or cell phone for free!"
- Drive-In Theater: When you want to find a drive-in theater, use this site.
- Cinema Treasures Theater Guide: Lists of all theaters worldwide that are currently showing classic films.
- Double Feature Finder: "Find local showtimes scheduled back-to-back and spend the entire day at the movies!"
- 80s Movies Rewind: Your best bet to find information about some of the best movies ever the 80's.
- Flixster: Get movie ratings of current movies from community members; great way to preview movies.
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